

The school has a separate section for the Little Scholars who are welcomed into the warm cosset of elementary education by our tender, motherly and trained teachers who strive to make a home away from home for the toddlers.

Various activities are planned for them throughout the year, which includes picnics, celebrations of Red & Blue days, Mother's day, Graduation day, festivals, rain dance, recitation, puppet shows, art and craft work that makes them overcome stage fears and become confident to join the Primary section.

Pre-primary section has undertaken a unique initiative to help the guardians towards better parenting by arranging regular interactions with them and also training the interested parents towards cursive writing techniques.

  • Motor Development
    • Is strengthening muscles used for running, jumping and throwing
    • Is strengthening muscles used for running, jumping and throwing
  • Social/Emotional Development
    • Can make choices between two things
    • Is a good observer and likes to be praised for his work
  • Language Development
    • Uses language more to communicate than gestures
    • Can speak in short sentences
    • Enjoys rhymes, songs and is able to tell simple stories
  • Cognitive Development
    • Follows instructions
    • Can identify colours
    • Can count concrete objects

  • Motor Development
    • Can walk in a straight line, hop, jump over small objects, skip, climb and throw and catch a ball easily
    • Recognize and make shapes out of molding clay and print his/her name
  • Social/Emotional Development
    • Shows willingness for new activities under supervision
    • Has creative imagination
  • Language Development
    • Can speak fluently is sentences upto 8 words
    • Asks questions and shows curiosity
    • Enjoys to share information with others
  • Cognitive Development
    • Can understand the concepts of number, size, position and time
    • Can concentrate on a task for about 15 minutes

  • Identifies basic colours and shapes, understands positional concepts like up/down, far/near, over/under, in/out, off/on
  • Identifies pictures and objects, follows directions, recites alphabets and can identify uppercase and lowercase letters, repeats poems from memory


  • +91 84696 15005
  • +91 81287 89673
    • Vatsalya International School
    • Near Anand Chowkdi, Dharmraj Road
    • Borsad-388540 District: Anand
    • Gujarat-INDIA