- Motor Development
- Is strengthening muscles used for running, jumping and throwing
- Is strengthening muscles used for running, jumping and throwing
- Social/Emotional Development
- Can make choices between two things
- Is a good observer and likes to be praised for his work
- Language Development
- Uses language more to communicate than gestures
- Can speak in short sentences
- Enjoys rhymes, songs and is able to tell simple stories
- Cognitive Development
- Follows instructions
- Can identify colours
- Can count concrete objects
- Motor Development
- Can walk in a straight line, hop, jump over small objects, skip, climb and throw and catch a ball easily
- Recognize and make shapes out of molding clay and print his/her name
- Social/Emotional Development
- Shows willingness for new activities under supervision
- Has creative imagination
- Language Development
- Can speak fluently is sentences upto 8 words
- Asks questions and shows curiosity
- Enjoys to share information with others
- Cognitive Development
- Can understand the concepts of number, size, position and time
- Can concentrate on a task for about 15 minutes
- Identifies basic colours and shapes, understands positional concepts like up/down, far/near, over/under, in/out, off/on
- Identifies pictures and objects, follows directions, recites alphabets and can identify uppercase and lowercase letters, repeats poems from memory