"CHILD" a five letter word, a marvel of creation, a mind-boggling potential trapped in a frail and tiny body! Simply astounding! A living computer? N O P E. It is infinitely more fascinating. Which psychologist can dare fathom the psyche of a child and which oracle can prophesy a child's future? Now, the moot question is, What will this bud blossom into; A statesman? A scientist? An artist? A litterateur? A Nobelist? A Tycoon? A Messiah? A Newton? A Ramanujan? A Beethoven? A Van Gogh? A Napoleon? A Kalidas? Time alone will tell.
We at Vatsalya International School have pondered over these possibilities and the concomitant opportunities. We will deftly help our children to meet the challenges. We sow seeds of potent ideas in the fertile minds of children. We introduce them to the lofty thoughts and ideals of the great masters of yesteryears. Our school is indeed a beehive of activity and each student a spectacular power house. We look forward to welcome many more to the safe havens of Vatsalya.